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How God Moments Can Change Your Life & Your Business

Today I’m going to take a different path in the land of Click and Mortar Blog. That path is one where I’m going to share about a spiritual topic called God Moments.

Maybe you believe in God and maybe you don’t. Either way, he is working all around us. And yes that includes your life, small business and all of the people you interact with each and every day.

I once heard a speaker call these ‘God Moments,’ so I figured I would share some from my life and lead off with a brief comment about a movie that we had experienced.

In this movie, God’s Not Dead, actor Kevin Sorbo portrays an atheist professor; whose past has led him to require all of his college students to literally disown whatever religion they believe in on their first day of attending his class.

This leads to many students following his instructions, but one student refuses to go this route and sets out to prove that God is not dead. And when I look at the last four words of this last sentence, they lead me to the moments that God has literally reached out and put someone in my path.

Some of the God Moments of my recent past look like this:

The connection with one of my mentors, Sean Mize, which eventually lead to Lester Wehyee.

The connection with business associate Chip Heady eventually lead to Bob Bowen, who as of this writing is currently with Holt International in Eugene, Oregon.

The connection with non-profit ministry evangelist Bob Bowen which has lead to so many different people including Melissa Williams and Tom Mehrer of Clean Compassion.

God Moments and CleanCompassion.org
God moments lead me to Bob and then to Tom at Clean Compassion, who is now connected to Lester in Liberia.

The connection with networking professional Barbara Olson at BNI, which eventually lead to other Godly people like Claudia Rumwell, The Senior Care Organizer.

The connection with pastor Randy Simon. More to come on this connection.

The message our pastor, Joe Wittwer, shares on Sunday’s at Lifecenter hits home in one way or another. And there is always a verse, a phrase or something said that communicates – “God’s Not Dead.”

And the list goes on and on.

Maybe you believe in God and maybe you don’t. Either way, he is working all around us. And yes that includes your small business or enterprise. Whether you want to acknowledge this or look the other way.

So I ask you my friend…

What kind of God moments are you in for? What kind of God moments have you had but you never really acknowledged them as such?

Will you be ready for your next God moment or will you let it pass you by?

Only time will tell and your life will record it.

Be aware, be thankful and look for the God moments in your life. Because God moments can change your life in just seconds.

Tomorrow we’ll return with our regularly scheduled posts having to do with the topic of driving traffic that converts into sales.

Until then,

Dave Krygier